Omer Count: Day 22- chesed shebbe netzach

chesed shebbe netzach – the endurance of kindness

the continuity of the quality of kindness can only be approached as an ideal. Yet, HaShem, through His attribute of chesed, shows kindness toward us, even when we do not necessarily deserve to be treated with kindness from G-d. Sometimes, He will show His kindnesses to us, in order to win us over through His expression of love toward us. We may also show love in return towards Him through our obedience. To endure in right relationship towards Him, is no easy task; rather, G-d recognizes that we need to keep being drawn back to Him by some reminder, effort, or kindness on His part.

Chesed (kindness) may also be applied in our relationship to self and others. If we are kind to ourselves, we are more likely to treat others in the same manner; as is mentioned in Torah, to love your fellow human being as yourself (Leviticus 19:18). To extend love outwards beyond family and friends may seem like an impossibility; yet, the idea can at least be kept in mind, the next time, a challenging situation might occur. Instead of responding to others, whether family friends, or acquaintances in annoyance when something is less than perfect in our lives, remember that any relationship’s endurance is dependent on kindnesses.

Expressions of kindness are important. Kindness is more than a feeling. A smile, a kind act, or overlooking the other person’s faults: all of these and more will contribute to the endurance of a relationship.

note: The counting of the Omer serves as a spiritual journey. We are called upon to leave our own personal limitations behind us, as we travel on the path of freedom, away from the influence of negativity in our lives. This is a forty-nine day journey, a self improvement plan, between Passover and Shavuot. Each of the seven weeks corresponds to one of the seven middos (character traits) that we will have the opportunity to improve upon in our lives.

My personal reflections on each day’s combination of middot are not meant to be comprehensive; they are not based upon any one particular system. Nor, may my insights be characterized as authoritative, because I am a student, not a teacher. I simply hope to inspire others to delve into an exploration of their own personality, for the sake of tikkun hanefesh (rectification of the soul).

Author: tzvifievel

I am Jewish. I write divrei Torah, poetry, and brief essays on modern culture. I am interested in exploring Judaism beyond a surface level of belief and practice; I try to emphasize kavanah in prayer, mitzvoth, and study.

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