Omer Count: Day 27 – Foundational Truths

Yesod shebbe Netzach: Foundation of Victory

How well am I able to maintain an active participation in the foundational truths of my life? Do I only have an intellectual understanding of those truths? Or, am I able to ground those truths within the framework of my everyday life? Moreover, when faced with challenges, within and without, how well will that foundation prove to support the overall structure of my belief and practice?

The stronger my foundation, the greater my ability to endure the storms of life. If my foundation is like a house built upon a rock, then it will be more secure than a foundation built upon sand. A solid foundation is one that will withstand the changing seasons, because the underlying principles are founded upon timeless truths. Yet, a foundation built upon the shifting sands of societal norms will not last. Without a firm foundation we will sink into this quagmire of confusion. Without building blocks that will provide a sure foundation, a structure built upon empty truths, ultimately, will not be established.

The measure of strength of a foundation may very well be its resistance to change; therefore, only time-tested truths will ultimately prevail. The establishment of any foundation that is not in accord with those truths will ultimately fail to provide the shelter that only can only be provided through what is Heaven sent.

Author: tzvifievel

I am Jewish. I write divrei Torah, poetry, and brief essays on modern culture. I am interested in exploring Judaism beyond a surface level of belief and practice; I try to emphasize kavanah in prayer, mitzvoth, and study.

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