Omer Count: Week Five

5th Emotional Attribute: Hod (Splendor)

By humbling ourselves, we are able to reflect the splendor of G-d. Only through bowing down in our hearts to the splendor of the L-RD, may we also acquire splendor, by way of reflecting His Splendor. This is a basic metaphysical, aka spiritual principle, explained within the context of the sefirot. This is noted as well, in a comparably similar concept, concerning how the light of the sun is reflected by the moon. The moon, in and of itself, has no light, except for the light that strikes the surface of the moon. It waxes and wanes, dependent upon its location in regard to the sun.

So, too, with human beings, inasmuch that we are dependent upon the kavod (glory) of HaShem to light our way. And, any glory that we have is only His kavod resting upon us. Even our very life breath originates with G-d, so that He sustains us each and every moment of the day. Thus, we are humbled before Him, in acknowledgement of His greatness, and capabilities, in terms of how our very lives are dependent upon Him. When we act in accordance with His will and align ourselves with His words, He will bestow His splendor upon us.

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Author: tzvifievel

I am Jewish. I write divrei Torah, poetry, and brief essays on modern culture. I am interested in exploring Judaism beyond a surface level of belief and practice; I try to emphasize kavanah in prayer, mitzvoth, and study.

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