parasha Bamidbar 5784

“The Children of Israel shall encamp, every man at his camp and every man at his banner, according to their legions.” – Numbers 1:52

A census is taken. This is the third census taken since departing Egypt. The first one was taken after B’nei Yisrael left Egypt (Exodus 12:37). The second census was taken after the sin of the Egel (Golden Calf; Ex. 38:26). A year and one month after the Exodus, the Children of Israel are counted again, according to the number of males eligible for the legion (military).

Each of the twelve tribes of Israel is counted separately; yet, they are each a part of the whole. With the establishment of the Mishkan (Sanctuary), all the tribes have a central focus. Because of this centrality in regard to the tabernacle, each tribe would pool together its talents for the sake of Israel’s purpose of their avodas (service) to the HaShem.

The Levites “were not counted among them” (Numbers 1:47). For they were appointed “over the Tabernacle of Testimony, over all of its utensils and over everything that belongs to it” (Numbers, 1:50). They were also in charge of rebuilding the sanctuary, and taking it down, whenever the Children of Israel moved to a new location in the wilderness, during those forty years of traveling in the desert, wherein the B’nei Yisrael was preserved by G-d:

“He found him in a desert land, and in the waste, a howling wilderness; He compassed him about, He cared for him, He kept him as the apple of His eye.” – Deuteronomy 32:10, JPS 1917 Tanach

Rashi comments, “There He surrounded them and encompassed them with the “clouds of Glory”; He surrounded them with the banners on their four sides” (Rashi;

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Author: tzvifievel

I am Jewish. I write divrei Torah, poetry, and brief essays on modern culture. I am interested in exploring Judaism beyond a surface level of belief and practice; I try to emphasize kavanah in prayer, mitzvoth, and study.

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