Omer Count: Day 28 Malchut shebbe Netzach

Kingdom (autonomy) within Victory (endurance)

How does integrity contribute to one’s endurance in the face of challenges? How much can we rely on our own autonomy, without seeking guidance from a Higher Authority? G-d would like us to be dependent upon Him, rather than view ourselves as completely independent. The more we depend upon Him, the less need there will be to depend upon others.

We may actually become more self-sufficient, when we rely on HaShem the source of our strength. So, endurance doesn’t occur through our own efforts only, but through a concomitant focus on G-d, by way of His strength. If my own sense of autonomy is rooted in G-d’s authority, then, I will never stand alone, when facing the challenges of my life.

Trusting in His sovereignty also means that I can trust in the values, inculcated by His word. If we humble ourselves to a Higher Authority, then He will sustain us, while maintain our faith.

Author: tzvifievel

I am Jewish. I write divrei Torah, poetry, and brief essays on modern culture. I am interested in exploring Judaism beyond a surface level of belief and practice; I try to emphasize kavanah in prayer, mitzvoth, and study.

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