Spiritual Sustenance

Five Thing Essay: Spiritual Sustenance

Every moment of this life is precious and holds great potential. We should value our time, and not carelessly squander our time on meaningless distractions from our goals in life. Rather an emphasis on spiritual development should guide our lives. Yet, for the mind to do so, calmness needs to prevail over our busy lives, hectic schedules, and general concerns.

Reflection on spiritual things may be fostered in us, through music that uplifts the soul. Moreover, this can enhance hisbodedus (meditative prayer), wherein we speak to G-d with words that may arise from within us. Prayer from the heart is one way of reaching out to G-d from the depths of the soul.

In our lives, the more we focus on G-d, the less anxiety we will have about our worldly concerns. Moreover, our growing concerns about the future, as well as the current state of affairs on earth, may weigh us down, if we do not bring a proper perspective into alignment with our thinking.

G-d has decreed that the world will not be completely destroyed, like at the time of the Mabul (Great Flood). Rather, we should look forward to the messianic era, when Torah will flourish upon the earth, amongst all peoples. And, β€œthe word of the L-RD shall go out from Zion.”

Perhaps, this is one of the prime differences between the expectations of the Jewish people, and the incessant drive of radical Islam to impose Shariah law upon the world. We are waiting for Moshiach, in hopes of bringing peace to the world. No one is forced to accept the G-d of Israel, Who is a G-d of Mercy as well as Justice. So, let us not misuse our time until that day, when Moshiach will reign from Jerusalem; instead, let us focus on the cry, β€œAd mosai” (how long will we wait)? And, prepare ourselves for that day, in great expectation.